
Debate Info

Creepy Cool
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Creepy (2)
 Cool (3)

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ford97(17) pic

Gas Mask's Creepy or Cool?

When you see a gask mask what pop's into mind? run or say hello?


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 3
2 points

Both. If somebody walks into my house in a gas mask, that's pretty damn creepy; but, walking into somebody's house in a gas mask - now that's cool.

Side: Creepy

Those gas masks have a scary appearance and when I see someone wearing one, he looks creepy.

Side: Creepy
1 point


Gas Masks are so awesome, and their creepiness just adds to the coolness.

Side: Cool
1 point

I have a gas mask 8l

I use it from time to time for different reasons.

Side: Cool
1 point

It depends on whos wearing it, at what time, and where. Usually it looks cool outside and at daytime but when someone is wearing a gas mask outside your window at midnight something is wrong.

Side: Cool