
Debate Info

Finally! I'm against it
Debate Score:18
Total Votes:25
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 Finally! (8)

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johnbonham32(2429) pic

Gay marriage legal in Maine


Side Score: 16

I'm against it

Side Score: 2
3 points

No offense, but I'm not really excited for this. It's really nice, but it's legal in other states, so I'm fine with that. But I will NOT side with the other tag. I may be apathetic to the cause, but I am definitely not against it.

Side: Finally!

Honestly, I can't believe this didn't happen sooner, and I can't understand why anybody would be against the legalization of same-sex marriage. If it's for religious reasons (and I don't know what other reason a person can have), can't even a Bible-hugger understand that there are several religions coexisting in the States?

Love is love. It's simple.

Side: Finally!
1 point

If you'd been listening to Fox News, you'd know that gay marriage just starts with man-on-man but soon leads to man-on-goat, man-on-turtle, turtle-on-goat, goat-on-tree, and eventually the apocalypse!

Besides, if anyone wanted to stop gays from marrying, they wouldn't outlaw gay marriage. They'd outlaw gay divorce.

Side: Finally!

It's about time and I am very happy for those that may finally partake of true vows in this great state. This will make many couples truly happy and joined for eternity in their love.

Side: Finally!
1 point

I'm surprised more States haven't legalized this. While many States do have domestic partnership and civil union laws, many still ban it completely. I have been unable to find an argument against the rights to gay marriage, which is essentially an equality right, and there aren't many anti-equality arguments.

Side: Finally!

It is now 2015 and Gay Marriage is now legal in all of the States.

Side: Finally!
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