
Debate Info

Love is Love Its not right
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Love is Love (4)

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gracispaz8D(3) pic

Gays? Marriage and/or otherwise

Love is Love

Side Score: 4

Its not right

Side Score: 0
1 point

First of all, never ask someone why they chose to be gay, because why would anybody choose to be ridiculed every day of their lives? And explain to me please why its sooo bad,huh?!?!?!

Side: Love is Love

Of course. You fall in love with the person, not his genitals.

Side: Love is Love
sauh(1106) Clarified
1 point

Now you say that; but I must say (in all humility) I have some pretty darn lovable genitals. Not for any gross reasons like size or anything. The just have a great personality and a delightful sense of whimsy.

Side: Love is Love
shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

I'm sure your genitals are delightful, and women might like them, but you don't fall in love with the genital itself.

Just as golddiggers like men with big bank accounts, some women might like men with .. loveable genitals, to use your own words.

Side: Love is Love

Screw love, right is right.

There is literally no difference between a gay person who wants to marry someone of their gender, who also wants to marry them, for the benefits of being married and the title, and a heterosexual.

They could both stay together forever, they could both divorce at any time, they could both have someone become injured and need to see them in the hospital and only be able to get in if they are family or a spouse.

Side: Love is Love

Gays have the right to marry and to also adopt children. The times are changing and so are the views toward Gay Rights.

Side: Love is Love
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