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 Give me one good reason not to report Nom to the authorities for threatening to dox (8)

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Aether777(71) pic

Give me one good reason not to report Nom to the authorities for threatening to dox

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Give me one good reason not to report Nom to the authorities for threatening to dox

How about because doxxing isn't a crime? Not in my country at least. And threatening to dox is definitely not a crime.

Why don't you begin by explaining how you doxxed Mingiwiwu and enabled me to obtain his photograph?


JeanPalMarat(33) Disputed
1 point

The UK makes doxxing, trolling and encouraging abuse online illegal

By Vlad Dudau @avladd ยท Oct 10, 2016

1 point

The UK makes doxxing, trolling and encouraging abuse online illegal

Reposting a photograph which you yourself uploaded isn't doxxing. To describe that as doxxing is an extraordinarily false abuse of language.

The guidelines in the UK interpret doxxing as the public release of "banking details, home address or other personal sensitive information".

The crime also must take place in the UK, and all information uploaded here is uploaded to American servers.

But, granted, doxxing is illegal in the UK.

You should report him.

1 point

Because you are nom.

Even though you're stark ravening mad I'm sure you wouldn't report yourself.

1 point

Although doxxing isn't a crime in your country but only those people know how bad it is who felt it.