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Global Warming

"The whole (global warming) thing is created to destroy America's free enterprise system and our economic stability."

Jerry Falwell


Do you agree with this quote? Why or why not?

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3 points

I do believe Global Warming is real. Global Warming doesn't just mean it gets warmer, it causes extremities in the weather. We have seen major flooding, massive snow storms, record highs and lows in temperatures and other changes in our environments. Global Warming is very serious and should not be taken lightly.

1 point

i completely agree with you. Just because there might still be snow now when it's supposed to be warm doesn't mean that global warming isn't true. The increase in tornadoes and floods and all of those show that global warming is around and that something should be done about it.

global warming 101
3 points

Wtf. Of course global warming is true.

Why would scientists ALL OVER THE WORLD lie just to hinder America's economy? If America's economy is bad, it doesn't just affect us, it affects every other country in the world.

1 point

I don't agree because we need to use money to fix the problem. Also, I believe global warming is happening.

gayatri13(11) Disputed
1 point

how do you suggest that we use money to fix global warming?

TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

Why do you believe that global warming is true?

1 point

I agree. i mean like Al Gore was payed to do that. And he is doing this for the publicity and money.

Supporting Evidence: People who researched this into detail (
gayatri13(11) Disputed
1 point

But something like this doesn't just affect America only! It would affect the whole world and even if he did do it only for the money there are many scientist that agree with the fact that global warming is happening and i don't think that all of them are doing it for the publicity or money. Just because Al Gore is a selfish jerk willing to say anything for money doesn't mean what he said was wrong.

1 point

I think it's complete bull, b/ scientific community has prof of the existence of Global Warming.I think it's complete bull, b/ scientific community has prof of the existence of Global Warming. I think it's complete bull, b/ scientific community has prof of the existence of Global Warming. I think it's complete bull, b/ scientific community has prof of the existence of Global Warming. I think it's complete bull, b/ scientific community has prof of the existence of Global Warming. I think it's complete bull, b/ scientific community has prof of the existence of Global Warming. I think it's complete bull, b/ scientific community has prof of the existence of Global Warming. I think it's complete bull, b/ scientific community has prof of the existence of Global Warming. I think it's complete bull, b/ scientific community has prof of the existence of Global Warming. :D

1 point

Even though all you wrote was the same sentence over and over again i agree with you. there are so many scientist out there that say global warming is true! I don't think they would all lie for a publicity stunt because global warming is something that wouldn't just affect us but the whole planet.

1 point

This is a stupid and rediculous contreversy. i can reasonably question the sanity of those who disagree. GLOBAL WARMING IS HAPPENING and we all need to pitch in to fix it!!

Side: Global warming is happening
1 point

I think that global warming is not real. major earthquakes happened in chile and haiti. but big earthquakes have happened before. sometimes the weather gets reallly hot but sometimes it gets reallly cold. weather is unpredictable. so yes i do agreee with the quote

Side: Global warming is happening
gayatri13(11) Disputed
1 point

I don't think that it's about how sever an earthquake or any natural disaster is but how often they happen compared to the average amount. While the weather does get really hot and can also be very cold the earth's temperature is rising. it's gone from 1.2-1.4 degrees Fahrenheit and though that may not seem like a lot it is because it only took 4 degrees to shift us out of the last ice age!

Global Warming
Side: Global warming is happening
-1 points

I think that global warming is not really true because it says that it is getting hotter and hotter every day, but we still have snow and cold during June sometimes.... So i think it is just to ruin the economy and make money off of it

Side: Global warming is happening
gayatri13(11) Disputed
1 point

But in the past century the surface temperature of the earth went up 0.45-0.6 degrees Celsius. Also the glaciers are melting rapidly over the years. So yea we might still be getting some snow in June but days in winter are getting to be as warm as 70 degrees.

Side: Global warming is happening