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Debate Score:5
Total Votes:8
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Global Warming

Is Global Warming a true fact or is it a hoax


Side Score: 1

Not happening

Side Score: 4

It is now 2015 and even Pope Francis has issued an encyclical stating that Global Warming is for real.

Side: Happening
Mround1(39) Banned
-1 points

The earth's atmosphere has actually cooled by 0.13 degrees Celsius since 1979 according to highly accurate satellite-based atmospheric temperature measurements. By contrast, computer models predict that the globe should have warmed by an easily detectable 0.4 degrees Celsius over the last 15 years. Temperature records reveal that predictive models are off by a factor of two when applied retroactively in projecting the change in global temperature for this century.

Side: Happening
Mround1(39) Banned
-2 points
Mround1(39) Banned
2 points

I think Global warming is a Hoax. I think that because Global Warming is the increase in the Average temperature of Earth's surface.People always say that humans cause global warming by polluting the earth which is not true because you may not know what global warming might come from it might come from the animals or maybe by people who work at power plants and all that air that oges up into the air pollutes the air and basically tries to causeglobal warming. Global warming is something that people should not be talking about.

Side: Not happening
2 points

i think global warming is a hunk of crap i really don't even know if any body even believe's it

Side: Not happening