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 Greek Mythology (15)

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ckkpower(105) pic

Greek Mythology

With Ogres, Fairies, Dragons, having extra-ordinary characteristics, it is extremely hard to believe that they exist. Do you believe in them

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no lah. prove it to me!

they are just in fairy tales. how do you know they are true??????????

1 point

Well, there are no really solid evidences in which whether they exist. The Chinese refer to Dragons as an emperor and worship it. We all know the Chinese were like the first nation which developed. WHo knows? Maybe Dragons do exist. Greek also came from a very long time ago, other animals like Ogres, Fairies or Leprechauns may exist.

1 point

Well if you think about it what could the chinese have interpreted as a dragon that they worshipped? Reptilians perhaps? Have you ever noticed how a ton of cultures worshipped serpents that could shape shift? Just like reptilians are reported to do in alien abductions? Just my thoughts

Also, in buddhism, way back in the past, it is said that there were people who joined the monks to try and disrupt the harmony, and they used psychic ability, and the monks realized they were not human at all, but indeed nagas (reptilians) Also... one of the questons to become a monk is "Are you a human being?"

It really makes you wonder...

Emperor(1348) Disputed
1 point

Perhaps it's best to not wonder, and to simply sit back and obey your overlo- er, I mean your teachers and laws.

There's no need to question anything like this.

Just relax and have some tea. Don't worry about anything like the reptilians already at Stage IV of ruling the Earth, their presence already known to some, despite our attempts to remain secret.

Not that I'm a reptilian. I'm human, of course. It's not like I don't know what love is.

Anyways, forget looking into the reptilian revolution and all that. Just enjoy your life and don't ask questions.

Vote Romney! =D

Or Obama. Either way, we win.

samuelong7(77) Disputed
1 point

As far as i'm concerned, the chinese did not believe in dragons as in that they actually will interact with them. Instead, they believe the dragon as a symbol of power.

Anyway, who says that does old beliefs are really true just because they are old?

1 point

Believe in Greek mythology? Hell no! I'm not that stupid... but I do love it... it's very entertaining.

Who would believe in something so ancient and dis-proven it's ridiculous?

...Oh right, Christianity exists...

1 point

technically they havent been disproven... jus sayin...

2 points

Okay Mr. 9/11 was a hoax.

I will make one exception with Puff, the Magic Dragon. He remains a friend to me.