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 Hair care - healthy hair (4)

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Hair care - healthy hair

When I ask how to keep my hair healthy, I often get a looong list of shampoos, conditioner, masks and you name it.

Im a very big user of those things myself, I spend very much money on my hair every month.

But some people say, that to do nothing with your hair (when I say nothing I mean not to color, straightning, curling or anything like that. Just wash it with normal shampoo (some people use pee to wash their hair though) and cut the ends a few times a year,  without using any other hairproducts)  is the best way to get a fabulous hair.

But when I see a person, who looks like him/her are doing exacly nothing with their hair, they don't look like beauties.
They often have grey hair,  and their hair looks dead to me.

But then again, mabe products just make it LOOK like your hair is healthy, but really its not? What do you think?


So what is better, using products or not to use them?  


And second question:  If products are the way to go if you wanna have healthy looking hair, then what should I use? any good advice?

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1 point

okay, well i only use shampoo and conditioner. and my hair shines. i don't curl it, sraiten it, or color it. all i have to say, is if you do dye your hair, two things. try to dye it close to the natural color, and don't dye it a totally different color, or put in multiple colors. i think when people dye their hair different colors, it doesn't look good, you make think it does, but not others.

1 point

Yeah I totally agree.

Dying your hair a color to far from your own makes you look unnatural, but it works on some people tho.

I use masks, shampoo and conditioner, heatprotector when I straighten, mousse when I want curls. I don't use hairspray alot, but Im a big user of hair powder, wich has the same affect as hairspray. I wouldn't say the powder is much better, that depends on how you are, and what you like.

But the powder has done magical things to my hair.

1 point

Well its a pretty usual dilemma which many of the people get!! However I would suggest to use the shampoo and other things which at least won't spoil your hairs.. I am a constant user of the shampoo and have been feeling satisfactory with its performance.. I would suggest you to look into your interest in the product using this link where I accidentally found a large varieties of my need - Hope you utilize the suggestion. Thank You!!

It depends on what works for you. I lot of shampoo either makes my hair seem really greasy, or it gives me dandruff. It took a while but I did find a product that works extremely well with my hair. My opinion is to try out different hair-care products/hair styles (straightening, curling) and try to find the one you feel is most effective or the best.