
Debate Info

Halloween Christmas
Debate Score:1
Total Votes:1
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 Halloween (1)

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TheZoo(24) pic

Halloween Vs Christmas

Which is more fun? Which has better food and events?


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 0
1 point

Halloween is better than christmas. my parents force me to go to church on christmas. On halloween i snuck out of the house to do some drinking with my friends.

Side: Halloween
xMethFanx(15) Clarified
2 points

my parents force me to go to church on christmas.

Sounds like your parents are retarded. I was never forced into a religion by my parents but I know what it's like being around Christian nutcases. I was homeschooled despite not having religious parents and for a time I was receiving "education" with my religious cousins. I was taught alternate science and alternate history and I have hated Christianity ever since.

On halloween i snuck out of the house to do some drinking with my friends.

I suggest you don't drink before your brain has developed enough unless you want to be an intellectually stunted retard. The first time I drank I was 14, I stole a bottle of vodka and forced it down plain, it felt like I was being swung around in circles by a rope tied around my ankles by the time I was done.

Side: Halloween
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