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 Hate the character of yourself own or not (8)

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beatacho007(20) pic

Hate the character of yourself own or not

Have you ever had the mind of hating the character of yourself own ?or have you ever had the period of doing everything unsatisfied?Undecided

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2 points

sometimes,i hate mine as to what i did was wrong at that moment...i started to regret .

Side: yes
1 point

Nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes. And if you don't like who you are, then change.

Side: yes

Absolutely not, if you are able to change yourself then change.

If you are unable to change, become comfortable with yourself.

Side: yes
Uspwns101(443) Disputed
1 point

You can always change. Contrary to your rather unpopular and foolish belief.

Side: yes
1 point

How is it unpopular and foolish to believe some cannot change? If you are desperately dependent upon lets say a drug and you have no means of seeking help how are you to change? Just pull the money out of a hat? Also provide evidence as to how everyone can always change regardless of anything.

Side: yes
beatacho007(20) Disputed
1 point

I would try to change myself own,but it doesn't make any sense of changing the unpopular and foolish belief,Uspwns.Oppositely,i would like to insist on what i believe in which is right rather than changing my unique character that easily.

Side: yes
1 point

Thanks for your message ArionaAllant,but will you just being like that?it's not an easy job,is it?

Side: yes

Terribly sorry but I do not exactly understand what you are saying in either of your comments. I get the gist...I think. Though in responce to your disputed message. By change I did not mean what makes you, you. I meant it is possible to change things that harm you, such as a drug addiction.

Side: yes