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sucks rocks
Debate Score:1
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 sucks (1)

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spideremmy12(3) pic

Hateing on Newt Gingrich?

Dont mean to steal your thunder.... Hes a hipicrit, when he went to impeach clinton for having an affair with a younger woman he was also with a younger woman(thats bs)!!! and now he is running for president... no way in hell is he going to win, but he just wrote a new book. That means he will be selling all those copies and making non-taxed profits right into his pocket. Gingrich wins either way.


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 0
1 point

I think the only thing that separates Newt Gingrich from the average politician is that he's been around long enough to find a shit load of inconsistencies and hypocrisy.

Obama was too fresh and the media refused to talk much about the dirt that some could find on him, so it was easy to get him to be president (also the fact that he was black, young and a democrat while Bush, who everyone hated, was old, white and republican).

Newt can easily be destroyed by the media (in fact... that's what they love to do to these republican candidates).

Of course, they got nothing on Paul, really. The entire Cable News force (including Fox News) constantly tries to attack him based on his views, but have really never been able to put him in a corner.

All the Republican candidates except for Paul and Johnson are pretty much easy targets for the Chris Matthews and Anderson Coopers. They're liars, cheaters, and flip-floppers to a huge scale. They're also bigots and really offer little change.

If the Republicans want a clean candidate who can use logic to defeat the irrationality of Leftist media, they oughta go with Paul or Johnson (two candidates who don't have dirt or terrible track records).

Side: Sucks
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