
Debate Info

Yes I have! Hellno is nutty as hell!
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:8
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 Yes I have! (5)

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Hellno(17724) pic

Have You Ever Found Arguments That Never Showed Up in Your Activity?

Lately I have stumbled across arguments that never showed up in my Argument Activity.  Has this ever happened to you?


I wonder how many I never found?


Anyway, if you replied to me and I never got back with you... this may be why.  Just sayin'!



Yes I have!

Side Score: 7

Hellno is nutty as hell!

Side Score: 0
2 points

yes this happens often thats why I just go back in to questions i already answered to see if anyone answered me

Side: Yes I have!
1 point

Okay, yeah... I'm glad it's not just me... If Andy doesn't see this by tomorrow night I'll send him a message. I hate that people are replying to me and I don't even know it! ;)

Side: Yes I have!
2 points

I get that all the time!?! I just finish responding to the posts that show up in the recent activity then I go on new/active/popular debates and I find someone who responded to an old post of mine. Its so frustrating because they have posted something along the lines of 'I won' and I'm like 'NOOOOO' lol.

Side: Yes I have!
1 point

Okay, yeah... I'm glad it's not just me... If Andy doesn't see this by tomorrow night I'll send him a message. I hate that people are replying to me and I don't even know it!

Side: Yes I have!
1 point

I haven't noticed, but I'll start looking now .

Side: Yes I have!
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