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BrotherJ(41) pic

Have you ever read any Augustine?


Side Score: 2


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1 point

I assume you are referring to Saint Augustine of Hippo? The 4th Century theologian and philosopher. The dude some call the Father of Roman Catholicism--along with Thomas Aquinas?

Yeah...I read a bit from his. In undergrad school I read "Confessions" in a Comparative Religions class.

And a couple of years ago I read "City of God."

Seems to me he borrowed a great deal from Aristotle, as well as Cicero.

Right off I can tell you there is one major sticking point where I, as an atheist, disagree with him. It has to do with how he argued that the human mind apprehends universal, objective, unchanging, and necessary truths that are superior to the human mind itself. So...he says, an eternal God exists to explain these eternal truths.

I personally see no reason why a supernatural deity is needed to explain this equation. I also see no possible way we can be sure that any truth we know can be proved to be "universal" or "unchanging." I also do not believe in moral absolutes.

But, yeah...what would you like to discuss about his Theology?

Let me know.


Side: Yes
1 point

Gee, what a surprise!

The new poser takes a powder as soon as somebody calls him out on his alleged knowledge of a topic he claims to be savvy in. He has failed to reply to any of my posts that question his creds.

I knew this cat was full of shit from the gitgo.


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