
Debate Info

Other And explain Audio Techinicas
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Other And explain (2)

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connorowesme(305) pic


I am looking for a good pair of over the ear headphones, definatey not beats. I would like them to go all the way around the ear and be comfortable, sound canceling, and a remote on the cable.

Other And explain

Side Score: 2

Audio Techinicas

Side Score: 0
1 point

BOSE all the way! I have a sound system of theirs at home and I love it! I have also used their headphones and they are really great! Compared to other headphones, their bass is a little lacking, but I think they make up for it in sound quality, comfort, and sound canceling. I tried them out in an Apple Store that was swamped, and I could hear almost nothing. It was great! The main problem is that they are expensive.

Side: Other And explain
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