
Debate Info

Hero Monster
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:7
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 Hero (1)
 Monster (3)

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Thewayitis(4063) pic

Hero or Monster

Are people from the early 1900's like Rockefeller, Carnagie, Vanderbilt, JP Morgan, Mellons, Hearst. etc.;

Heroes or Monsters ?


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 5

Carnegie, Rockefeller and Vanderbilt were great men and industrialists, they made the word a much better place. I don't know to much about Mellon, but I'm not very fond of JP Morgan's practices and Hearst was a terrible business man, his competitors were doing better then him so he went crying to the government to make the plants used to make their products illegal...

So, 3/5 were heros, the other two weren't that great, although I did admire JP Morgan's ability to help stop the crash of 1919.

Side: Hero
2 points

Side: Monster

These guys killed people if they got in their way, Carnegie during a strike. The Mellon brothers and JP Morgan gave people loans with extremely high interest rates and took over stock in businesses as extensions on loans often as much as 60%. The Vanderbilts were asked about poor people during the great depression and replied, "The hell with the poor."

If these are heroes, I'd hate to see what monsters look like.

Side: Monster

They hoarded up wealth and gloated with their schadenfreude toward the unfortunate ones in society.

Side: Monster