
Debate Info

Yes, we should have homework No, we shouldnt have Homework
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:8
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side graph
 Yes, we should have homework (1)
 No, we shouldnt have Homework (1)

Debate Creator

jonathan355(9) pic


Do you think schools should give kids homework?

Yes, we should have homework

Side Score: 5

No, we shouldnt have Homework

Side Score: 1
4 points

Seriously, why did you post this debate when you know there are hundreds like it. I saw you post in another homework debate like 5 minutes ago.

Homework is nessicary to help students develope the skills they need on their home. It also helps them develop time managements skills and the knowelage of how to prioitze, which are basic skills that will help them no matter what they do in life.

Side: Yes, we should have homework

If there is to be no homework, then the school day has to be longer.

Side: No, we shouldnt have Homework