
Debate Info

I agree completely. No, you are very wrong.
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:6
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 I agree completely. (2)
 No, you are very wrong. (1)

Debate Creator

Krock999(3) pic

Homosexuality is a type of survival genetic difference to stop overpopulation.

That is all.

I agree completely.

Side Score: 3

No, you are very wrong.

Side Score: 2
2 points

I agree. As a Christian, my version of this theory is that it is planned by God. God makes some people gay to prevent overpopulation.

Side: I agree completely.

Yes. Because there are Gay people in the world, this factor helps reduce the population from being over crowded.

Side: I agree completely.
1 point

Genetics aren't so specific and don't make grand plans. Your genes have no idea what the population of the earth is.

Side: No, you are very wrong.