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 How do you feel about Parkour? (9)

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Modnar(18) pic

How do you feel about Parkour?

This seems to have a pretty big debate nowadays, and so I'd like to see where people stand on the matter.

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1 point

Personally, I think it is the greatest activity anyone can do. Unlike the common misconceptions of people doing flips off of two-story buildings, parkour is, in essence, movement. It teaches you to discipline yourself and learn from mistakes. While I myself have been hurt multiple times doing parkour, I have practiced (like so many others out there) responsibly, and have come out with only a few minor scrapes, bruises, and rough skin on hands. If you're against this, at least give it a try for a few weeks on a relatively strict training regimen, I guarantee you'll be impressed.

1 point

Hehe I know your name!

It's Random, but it's spelt backwards. Hehe... I smrt.

1 point

I Don't have an opinion of it.

If I see someone doing all kinds of gimmicks with public property I will feel they are talented but see them negatively as if they just stole something .

1 point

There is no doubt it requires a great bit of athleticism, training, and agility. From what I have seen it is very dangerous and we will probably soon see public ordinances against it.

Modnar(18) Disputed
1 point

What you have seen in the way of dangerous activities was the result of weeks, months, or even years of training. We practice up to a goal, and we don't try things unless we know that it is within our abilities to perform the task.

1 point

It's like skateboarding and other extreme sports.

But they don't use wheels, they just do free running.

I see it as a hobby for most, possible professionalism for a select few...

Cool to watch, though.

1 point

I find it to be quite intriguing and probably very fun, but it looks too dangerous for my tastes. I've watched way too much America's Funniest Home Videos.

1 point

Trust me, there is no real danger. You don't go into anything unprepared for what you will have to do. You practice constantly, drill and condition until you are sure of what you can and can't do. What you can't do is merely what you need to find a way to do next.

1 point

parkour is life parkour is life parkour is life parkour is life parkour is life parkour is life parkour is life parkour is life parkour is life