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 How do you feel about the agnostic religion? (11)

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Saurbaby(5581) pic

How do you feel about the agnostic religion?

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11 points

Agnosticism isn't a religion. It's more like a state of skepticism and questioning.

10 points

"Agnosticism isn't a religion. It's more like a state of skepticism and questioning."

I would've put "and/or questioning" but you know: What ev :)

9 points



2 points

I am agnostic so it's all good with me .

2 points

I feel that it isn't a religion. I consider myself an Agnostic Atheist. If you think that this isn't possible. That you must be one or the other consider the following:

"Agnostic atheists are atheistic because they do not hold a belief in the existence of any deity, and agnostic because they do not claim to know with certainty whether any deity exists."

2 points

I agree with that, that would be me as well .

1 point

I would agree with that. I don't like how people interpret Atheism to be the positive assertion that there is no God, simply lacking a belief in one. I think agnostic atheism describes me well.

1 point

I feel fine with it, since I am one .

2 points

Weeeee! I knew we had a lot in common! ;)

1 point

LoL! Yeah, I have to have 100% proof before I believe something. I am from The Show Me State!! Hahahaaa :)

Its not a religion. A religion is not a position on whether or not the existence or other properties of a god can be known but is an entire set of beliefs, usually if not necessarily relying upon the assertion that god can indeed be known(for how else can religion operate, and even pretend to implement rationality).