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 How is ISIS a threat to the US? (3)

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nobodyknows(745) pic

How is ISIS a threat to the US?

Have they bred amphibious goats that they will ride over the pacific to invade us? Do they have donkeys of mass destruction? Just how are these people in a unique position to hurt the US?
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The argument would be that ISIS could/can a sort of social infrastructure from which they could sponsor terrorist attacks on the United States. Now I am not saying that is a particularly legitimate argument, or that I agree with it, but that is generally what people say. I don't think anyone really believes they could launch an all out war against us unless they managed to take total control of much of the Middle East, and even then their attempts would be iffy at best. I suppose another possible argument would be that if they achieved some sort of critical mass and managed to invade a nuclear country such as Iran or Pakistan, they would have WMD's at their disposal, and an ideology that wouldn't be particularly adverse to using them.

nobodyknows(745) Disputed
1 point

Iran and Pakistan sponsor terrorism, yet I we don't invade. Saudi Arabia is the biggest funder of Sunni terrorists and most of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi, yet we don't invade.

Right now most Arab countries are not or are barely contributing to the containment of ISIS. That would change if they knew we wouldn't be sacrificing our money and soldiers to keep them safe. It seems to me to be entirely in America's interest to leave. Of course, it would not be in the interest of oil companies or the military industrial complex. That seems to be the real reason to fight ISIS: a jobs program. Instead of building dams and bridges like a civilized country, we build tanks and bombs that the military doesn't even want. When we run out of places to store the military's toys, we pick the country with the religion/culture/race we least understand and bomb them until we get bored.

Terrorist are called terrorists for a reason.. You do realise that right?

nobodyknows(745) Clarified
1 point

When was the last terrorist attack perpetrated by ISIS on US soil?