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 How is Quantum Mechanics going to shape the future? (3)

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Pachino951(91) pic

How is Quantum Mechanics going to shape the future?

Calling all who are educated in Quantum Physics! How is this fascinating scientific subject going to alter our future? Is it bad or good for humanity, and what will we be able to achieve with what it has to tell us. Give me your thoughts!

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2 points

Simply put: Absolutely no freaking idea.

But that's the beauty of quantum mechanics. It tells us things that seem to make absolutely no sense on paper, and forces us to delve into the deepest part of our mind to attempt to understand it. All I do know is that quantum mechanics will be vastly important when trying to answer the biggest of all questions.

1 point

Reality can't be bad for the future. Understanding physics isn't going to make the world worse. It will let us create computers hundreds of thousands of times faster and more powerful and will let us create better medicine and scanning techniques. That's all that's really forseeable.

1 point

I have to agree. As a general rule, knowledge leads to more informed decision making and therefore a higher probability of better decisions. It is becoming clearer that quantum mechanics is an essential principle of knowledge in our species and without it, humans will die out at the time of, or most likely before the Earth becomes inhabitable. It is fundamental to our knowledge of the universe and can bring new developments that will change the very way mankind perceives the world. many of these developments are just around the corner like quantum cryptography and superconductors while may such as the nature of quantum black holes and the theory of everything may take longer to develop. As long as our understanding of the universe is not abused too much (such as the creation of the atomic bomb), we should continue in the ultimate quest for knowledge. Although many of these unfortunate "side effects" may be inevitable, they are worth it! Quantum mechanics is the future (a part of it anyway)!