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 How well do you think Payton Manning played in Super Bowl XLIV? (8)

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Drumlind11(14) pic

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How well do you think Payton Manning played in Super Bowl XLIV?

Just give me your opinion and why you think that.

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Manning did play as one would expect due to his stats during the season, but the Saints were extremely prepared, and the better team won.

Drumlind11(14) Disputed
1 point

Payton didn't do as well as I had expected. The BIG game loser was that pass to Reggie Bush.

Side: Overall good but 4th quarter not so much

By your terms, how did Peyton not play as you as you expected? 31/45 388 Yards 1 TD 1 INT. Granted the INT was a back breaker, but the Saints were just simply better.

Side: Good but Saints were prepared
1 point

Who cares how well he played, the only thing that matters is the (W). The guy is 9-9 in the post season with one ring. Hes as good as Drew Brees.

Side: Good but Saints were prepared
1 point

I was just curious about what everyone thought about Payton for the Super Bowl

Side: Good but Saints were prepared