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Debate Score:4
Total Votes:6
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sarvesh(43) pic

Human cloning should be banned

human cloning has been a very popular topic these days should it be banned or it should be progressing.


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 3
1 point

It would be a huge damage to our society if we would clone human beings. People are made differently for a reason we have different DNA which helps our society evolve. Different people are sensible to different things and if people would be cloned that would mean they would be the same in all aspects. Think of it this way, if a person is allergic to pollen and we clone that person they will not be able to survive in a certain environment which means they would die out. That is why it is important to have diversity, this is only speaking scientifically, there are many more social aspects that cloning would controverse with.

Side: yes
1 point

I don't see anything immoral with cloning humans as long as the offspring are given the same rights as anyone else and not considered property of any sort.

They shouldn't have to feel like a clone in the way they are treated, they should be able to live just like a person born naturally.

Side: no

I think human cloning will open up the gates to find a way to grow limbs for amputees.

Side: no

Wikipedia article on ethics of human cloning

I don't see why human cloning is "immoral". As long as the clones are treated as people I'm perfectly fine with it.

Side: no