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 I am a moderate. (1)

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Sitar(3680) pic

I am a moderate.

I have liberal and conservative beliefs. Do not not confuse me being a democrat in name only with being a liberal, and I will shit fire if you call me a conservative. I voted for Ron Paul in 2012, Hillary in the general, last year, and Bernie in the primaries last year. Who I vote for depends on who's available, and I might vote for Jesus Christ, Independent. Trump has good and bad, and I have never supported Hillary or Obama. Corporatist establishment candidates piss me off. If youare like me, vote for someone you believe in with the write in ballot. I don't want to participate in a political binary, and if Addlt can be a moderate republican, why can't I be a moderate democrat? Peace.
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I identify as a democrat rather than a republican and yet I see myself as a centrist/moderate overall.

Choosing a side doesn't mean you agree entirely with them it means you see them as the lesser evil out of the options.