
Debate Info

Debate Score:60
Total Votes:62
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Intangible(4934) pic

I am an all knowing Intangible entity ask me anything.

You can get personal Idc.

Look at my horse my horse is amazing.

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1 point

Please use sensory words that give me a descriptor sense of what "nothing" is.

1 point

An all knowing entity should easily be able to enlighten me on what nothing is come onnnn you're slacking.

Intangible(4934) Disputed
1 point

You have yet to ask me a question.

1 point

What is nothing, and how is it that we are born only to die? Also do they both coincide with one another?

Nothing can not be explained for it is simply nothing.

We are not only born to die we are born to live our life and fufill our dreams.

Dying is just the consequence of running out of life force or chemical energy.

Energy is everything it doesn't disappear it is recycled. it does not turn into nothingness.

Kite626(714) Disputed
1 point

how is it that something, this existence stems from nothing? If nothing has no description than how can you use it to define itself?

1 point

disgusting, a mere question stumps an all knowing being. If this is all an all knowing being has to show than i am that of a titan.

Intangible(4934) Disputed
1 point

The internet is mans design. I still need to refresh the page. I am not a God.

What is your most awesome moment that you cannot remember?

2 points

There is no moment that I can not remember within my lifetime.

Oh so you can answer all questions? Is anything possible?

If it wasn't possible then it would be nothing. So yes.

1 point

That cant be true. Is it possible for something to be impossible?

All knowing,does your girlfriend fake her orgasm's? ?

Intangible(4934) Disputed
1 point

I don't have a girlfriend.

Why are you intangible?

Because that is the name I chose.

Why are you KingOfPopForever?

De Ja Vu.

I see a little bit of false advertising I though we were the ones asked to ask question. Hmmmm.

1 point

Are you as cute as your picture? ;)

Not really. I'm actually pretty hard to approach with out me making you feel like you are less of a person.

1 point

Bummer. I still like ye. ;)