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 I guess I am going to Hell. Is their anything I need to know? ;) (6)

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Sitara(11075) pic

I guess I am going to Hell. Is their anything I need to know? ;)

LOL. ;)

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1 point

If god had a heart he wouldn't have created a place of torture. If your going there then know "it's better to rule in hell then server in heaven." Plus I'm sure theirs an upside to hell. Since there are so many damned souls entering you're probably going to get to dish out some punishment to the newbies an be back by five for your evening torture. It's a give and take kind of place :P also there is vacation time. Take a minute out of he fire to go into deep freeze. Hahaha

2 points

I love God but I do not get Him sometimes. This debate is to troll someone that said that I blasphemed the Holy Spirit.

1 point

Hell exists only because there must be opposition in all things. If there was no place of eternal torment, there could not be any place for eternal joy, all things would be numb, knowing neither joy, nor sorrow, feeling nothing, pain or pleasure.

For those that would choose Hell, it would actually be a far more tolerable experience than being forced to exist with a perfect and righteous God in His Kingdom. So, in actuality, Hell is a blessing for those who hate God. Isn't He wonderful? :3

Satan punishes idiots the worst.

wink, wink, nudge, nudge

2 points

Hello dear Prodigee. Any advice for an errant soul like me? ;)

0 points

It is spelt prodigy. I advise you to seek an intelligence clinic. You can find them in utopia.