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Debate Score:8
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colinong(130) pic

If Bitcoin is a virtual currency, can Bitcoin-holders/owners be deemed a virtual country?

I have been intrigued by Bitcoin and how its supporters are like citizens. 


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 3
1 point

Thank you for sharing this valuable information. Your insights have broadened my understanding and I am truly grateful for the time and effort put into providing it. Your generosity is appreciated. Keep spreading knowledge and making a positive impact.

Side: Yes
1 point

I'm interested in your question because I'm just interested in trading and everything connected with it. I have already found a lot of information on this topic, but I still do not understand some of the terms well enough. Therefore, I will be grateful if you provide any information!

Side: Yes
1 point

Hello everybody! If you're new to trading, you may be wondering what stop orders are and how they work. The article on is a great resource for beginners, providing clear explanations of stop orders and their different types. This article is a great starting point for anyone looking to learn more about trading.

Side: Yes
1 point

While the concept of Bitcoin holders and owners being deemed a virtual country may be intriguing, it remains a theoretical construct. However, it highlights the profound impact that Bitcoin has had on our understanding of currency and governance. As the cryptocurrency landscape continues to evolve, the exploration of new concepts and possibilities is essential. Whether virtual country or not, Bitcoin and its community represent a paradigm shift in how we perceive and interact with both money and virtual communities.

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Side: Yes
1 point

Starting the path of Forex trading can be rewarding for those who live in crypto with learn here, but success requires dedication to your craft, as in all endeavors you need education and disciplined execution. The main thing is always know that you need to trade only those pairs in which you are confident, do not make my mistakes, haha..

Side: Yes
1 point

Why do you need this information? Do you have too much of free time? Better if you learn trading Bitcoin then. Think of it, your life is not endless.

Side: No
1 point

In the realm of cryptocurrencies, the idea of Bitcoin holders constituting a "virtual country" is an intriguing concept. While Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency, likening holders to a virtual country might be a stretch. Rather, they form a diverse community with a shared interest in blockchain technology and decentralized finance. Speaking from my crypto trading experience, engaging in usdt btc exchanges has proven fruitful. Tracking price differences and making strategic trades within this dynamic market has been key to optimizing gains. The cryptocurrency landscape is evolving, and being part of this transformation is both exciting and promising.

Side: No