
Debate Info

Pass don't pass the bill
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 Pass (5)
 don't pass the bill (6)

Debate Creator

monkeyboy142(76) pic

If you where in the senate would you pass for Cut, Cap,and Balance

  It is  to enact a balanced budget, cap federal spending at 18% of GDP.


Side Score: 5

don't pass the bill

Side Score: 7

It is a bill to stop a major problem for the U.S, the dept ceiling so I would pass it.

Side: Pass
casper3912(1556) Disputed
1 point

It would be a major problem if the debt ceiling wasn't raised.

How would it be even a minor problem if it was?

Side: don't pass the bill
monkeyboy142(76) Disputed
1 point

Ya but it has not been raised yet its a so mayor problem .

Side: Pass

Federal spend should always be cut for useless things. .

Side: Pass

Certainly, but what is useless?

Surely spending more than the next 10 highest military spenders combined on our "defense" budget is a bit useless.

Side: don't pass the bill
monkeyboy142(76) Disputed
1 point

Food stamps, funding for green businesses that are in the dump

Side: don't pass the bill
1 point

CUT SPENDING, CAP DEBT, BALANCE THE BUDGET, why is that not easy to understand, if you have a credit card and your near maxing it out do you continue spending majorly with it? NOOO! CAP the freakin debt stop spending money we DON'T have! The govt shouldn't fund nearly anything but the military! Let the states fund everything! BALANCE THE BUDGET! balance everything so your not spending more money on something that is less important! JEEZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Pass

Well government spending and taxation can certainly improve, some of the current republicans ideas of improvement would be catastrophic if implemented. Government needs to be flexible, and if we really wanted to we could get rid of the debt rather quickly.

Why hasn't anyone mentioned slashing the defense budget?

Progressive taxation can be mathematically shown as beneficial to the whole economy.

Some social programs benefits are economically beneficial as well.


Side: don't pass the bill
1 point

This is political kabuki - a symbolic vote - wasting time politcally postureing for election 2012 and not getting anything done.

Amercian system is an inherently imbalanced system that should be completey overthrown totally. The system we have now is dysfunctional.


stronger state rights, direct presidential votes and dump the "winner take all" electoral rule.

Side: don't pass the bill
2 points

Yes we should give the state stronger rights. But we still have to reform the federal government.

Side: don't pass the bill
1 point

Absolutely not, it's ridiculous unserious political theater. I can practically guarantee you right now that the majority of GOP representatives who support it do so ONLY BECAUSE they knew it would never be passed into law because the Senate and the President aren't -crazye. So they get to use it for political propaganda to play to the economically ignorant that they're "being serious" about fiscal responsibility and fighting "big government spending" without having to worry about the consequence of their ridiculous bill actually being enacted.

Side: don't pass the bill