
Debate Info

Yes, they should be prohibited No, they can't be prohibited
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Yes, they should be prohibited (1)
 No, they can't be prohibited (1)

Debate Creator

jerryzhu2004(3) pic

Implementation of genetic technologies on humans should be prohibited.

Yes, they should be prohibited

Side Score: 1

No, they can't be prohibited

Side Score: 1
1 point

A human is only a human because of their genes. If we change the human gene, we blur the difference between humans and animals. How would we justify animal killing? What is the difference between eating pig and cannabalism?

Side: Yes, they should be prohibited
1 point

They shouldn't be prohibited because they can help save lives. For instance, if someone has hereditary cancer, they should be able to genetically modify that person, so they and/or their children won't have cancer. this technology could potentially save lives, so I don't think that it should be prohibited.

Side: No, they can't be prohibited