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For Against
Debate Score:20
Total Votes:21
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 For (11)
 Against (6)

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Asima1993(102) pic

International Marriage

Even the most ordinary marriage has its  own difficulties because of numerous   differences between natures of men and women. So, whats about difference in nation and culture? Whether it negatively affects the marriage or vice versa?


Side Score: 14


Side Score: 6
2 points

I support the fact that international marriages should be promoted. The two partners would need t learn to tolerate each other which they should be able to do before marriage too. This tolerance would teach their kids good habits too. Open minded-ness is also an important factor in any marriage especially international ones. This would not only help them in marriage but in many other ways too

Side: For
2 points

International or interracial marriages have their own host of problems added on to the regular ones but they also have their own benefits. Different cultures lead to open-mindedness, respect for differences, and new ways of looking at the world

A kid could grow up immersed in cultural experiences (holidays, traditions, etc.) and may even become bilingual (always a plus)

Side: For
2 points

I think this is a personal matter of a couple. People love each other and this is wonderful , who cares about nationality? You fall in love not in the nation, but in human himself.

Side: For
1 point

People who are part of a mixed marriage are more tolerant of other races and cultures. The parents and the children are more accepting of other races and learn each other's perspectives. Children, especially, are less likely to be intolerant of someone because of their race. Children quickly learn that each person is unique and likely sees a person for who they are, rather than their race or their culture.Mixed marriages allow each person to learn about one another's cultures, religions and race. It is important for the couple to talk about each other's beliefs and values. Becoming a partner in a mixed marriage opens up the entire world for each partner. The history of the race and the family rituals and celebrations become part of each partner's world. Many couples in mixed marriages are exposed to an entirely new way of life, including a new country or even a new language.

Side: For
1 point

There are so many difficulties in the international marriages, but there are some positive points as well. First of all, you will greatly develop yourself while learning the new language, while staying with the person of a different culture. You will boost your abilities to listen to people and to be able to express yourself as well. You will join two cultures in one, making your life unique and interesting. Your children will most probably be bilingual and combine the best of two countries, that will definitely make them more smart and communicative.

Both partners should aspire to get only the best out of their traditions, and try to suppress the negative points, by discussing them with the partner and choose wisely the path both partner will move on further. Life isn't easy for anyone, but it surely interesting. So you must bring up that interest in each other, try to move around and discover new places, explore the languages and open yourself to new ideas. You should continuously boost each other's interest.

Side: For
1 point

Hello! I'm actually FOR international marriages. Working in this area for some years, I have noticed that people who have ventured to create an international marriage are more family-oriented, purposeful and serious about making up a relationship. Besides, such kind of a relationship opens many new perspectives and cultures. It broadens your outlook and makes you more intelligent and tolerant towards other people. It seems to me that if you know what you're looking for there won't be any religious or family issues in between. I think that we can teach each other many things, at least how to take a listen to another person and be not blind to problems or simply avoid them. People who marry a person from other country are brave and worthy of respect because it's an incredible check of feelings. I won't talk about kids abilities in such marriages, but I believe that their personalities depend on their genes and upbringing.

Side: For
0 points

I could not care less, but I will pick this side, because it represents my values the best.

Side: For
1 point

I think that difference in nations or cultures can not interfere with a happy marriage, but for me the same national marriage is more desirable. It is simpler and easier to have husband or wife of the same nation because of the same language, mentality, customs, lifestyle and etc. Such form has not such problems as language barrier, differences in values, religious conflicts, fear of abandonment by family and friends and etc. like in international marriage. IM causes additional difficulties. It takes a long time to explore each other's culture, traditions, to learn to communicate well in one language and so on. Not everybody is ready for such difficulties and not everybody has such patience .It is proven by psychologists that the first years of this type of marriage are too hard, majority simply do not stand and eventually divorce...

Side: Against
annie999(13) Disputed
1 point

By the way scientists proved that children who born in mixed marriages are healthier, larger, more capable and talented. It is a huge plus in favor of international marriage...

Side: For
Asima1993(102) Disputed
1 point

Concerning the fact that in mixed marriages children have higher mental ability or talent - is a myth. In genetics there were no cases when any of the genes were given effect on the personal nature by mixing. Marriages between too genetically distant people is almost as unfavorable as marriage between relatives. In such marriages it is likely that will happen fetal conflict between the mother and the child due to the presence of paternal genes in the child. In this case there are many negative side to the child's development up to the diseases of the nervous system and mental retardation. Special studies conducted in the villages, where American Indians lived together with present inhabitants of the continent in the villages for the black and white settlers have shown that children in these families had a large number of hereditary diseases and they 1.5 times more likely to lag behind in development than their peers.

Side: Against
annie999(13) Disputed
1 point

Ability and desire not to divide people on nationality in all matters, including the family, there is a very difficult problem, especially as our society has a negative effect on the issue. We are all under constant pressure from the media (television, radio, print) which clearly refers to nation as a some profession. Thus automatically creating templates and prejudices in the unconscious parts of viewers and readers.

The differences in nationalities - it's all PR, long and constant, spans the centuries, absorbing us and our children from early childhood. Why? Perhaps for someone it is maybe profitable ... My personal opinion - I have a lot of family friends (at least 7-8 pairs), where the husband and wife are of different nationalities. Somewhere it is heavier, somewhere easier, but people as a whole actually are happy. The more they overcome ethnic barriers in society the more it proof their love. Whereas I often see mono-marriage contract, because of parents' pressure or according to tradition ...

Side: For
Asima1993(102) Disputed
1 point

Whats about difference in religious beliefs? Living in the family with two different religion anyway is impossible. For mixed marriage it appears as a big problem which leads to hatred and mutual misunderstanding between spouses. For some people their faith plays significant role in life and such people often do not ready to change it on another or abandon it at all in order to please their partners . Moreover, there is no religion which endorses the move to a different faith, some even punish it by death because of considering it as a great sin. So, how to find compromise in such cases? Another problem: which of the two religions exactly teach the children? In mono-marriage such problems do not appear...

Side: Against
1 point

Maybe mixed marriages are favorable from the viewpoint of genetics, but they are also extremely complex in terms of psychologists and a lawyer, because in the case of divorce that such marriages often end in it is hard to reach an agreement between two parents on the issue of the future child care. No one of the parents will like the prospect of being with his or her own child on the opposite sides of the border. So they will hire the best lawyers and spend a lot of money on them to fight for the child until the end. Consequently the divorce process will proceed for a long time, with a heavy hand and very noisily. And such outcome first of all negatively affect the child .

Side: Against
annie999(13) Disputed
1 point

Any parental divorce affects first of all the child, not only international. I repeat if spouses aren't rude or silly or wild they will be able two find the best solution from such situation without hurting neither the child nor themselves.

Side: For
1 point

Another problem with international marriage is the resistance from the side of family members, friends and even society. Often they have negative attitude to such decision of their children, friends to marry people of another nation or race. It is sad because this fact make the marriage more difficult. Disapproval of family members may result in estrangement and a lack of necessary support networks. They may not understand the other person's culture. Some family members may disown the person altogether. For example, fathers have commonly disowned their daughters for marrying outside their race or religion.Friends may have the same issues as family members, and may react by ending the friendship or degrading their friend or her new spouse. Society may be cruel to the couple. Mean, ignorant comments, dirty looks, discrimination and sometimes physical assaults may be perpetrated by strangers who do not understand or approve of mixed marriages.

Side: Against
1 point

Most of them fails, in least the voluntary once .

Side: Against