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 Is C-SPAN Conservatively biased? (3)

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ThePyg(6706) pic

Is C-SPAN Conservatively biased?

I was reading on Wikipedia about C-SPAN because I wanted to know if it was a public news source or a private one.

I found it interesting because it is the closest thing you can get to fair and balanced (sorry Fox News, but having so much punditry is just gonna make things complicated).

The whole idea is constant coverage of what goes on in government.  It's that really boring channel you skip with all the Congressmen debating about some bill in the house of representatives.

so in the [wiki page]( it said *Despite its stated commitment to providing politically balanced programming, C-SPAN and its shows such as Washington JournalBooknotesQ & A, and Afterwords have been accused by left-leaning organizations of having a conservative bias*

This I found interesing, considering that *A 2010 survey of C-SPAN's viewers found that the network's most-valued attribute was its balanced programming. The survey's respondents were a mixed group, with 31 percent describing themselves as "liberal," while 28 percent described themselves as "conservative", and the survey found that C-SPAN viewers are an equal mix of men and women across all age groups*

Now, Fox News has been through similar mistreatments.  I understand the hostility towards Fox since it does have people like Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity, but the Pew Research Center has released stats on how Fox is pretty far up there in fair and balanced coverage.

So what am I missing here?  forget about Fox News for a sec (i know that Liberals love to beat the hell out of that one), let's just talk about C-SPAN.  Is it also a Conservatively biased station?

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Sorry about the mess up in editing. The quote is in the asterisks () The rest just ended up maintaining the wiki text format.

1 point

No, whatever that liberal group said is pure BS*

"one.I found it interesting because it is the closest thing you can get to fair and balanced (sorry Fox News, but having so much punditry is just gonna make things complicated)."

So what? if they had less punditry it would qualify as " fair and balanced", your myopic vision never ceases to amaze me;-)