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Debate Score:11
Total Votes:16
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 YES (2)

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Julian255(35) pic

Is Football more athletic than motocross


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 9
0 points

Football all the way, aint nobody gonna have chubby legs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Heck YES
footbalman(7) Disputed
6 points

have you guys ever raced motocross? i have not ever seen a fat kid win a motocross race. however there are a shit load of fat kids on my football team on the line. i played football for over 6 years and wrestled for just as long. so its safe to say i was in exellent shape. But after a day of motocross riding on a real track i couldnt even squat to tie my shoes because my legs were dead tired from all of the impacts you have to take, my forearms were so sore that i couldnt even hold a 32 oz gatorade and my helmet and all of my gear was soaked with sweat. i definately would never have thought that motocross was so physically demanding and you wont either until you try it. when i pulled off the track my heart rate was over 180 bpm and i have that heartrate the entire time i am on a track. the bike isnt the main part of motocross. its the rider and the track

Side: you need to try both before you talk
1 point

More musle

more athletic

more everything

football all the way

most of u havent even played football if u think motocross is more athletic

Side: Heck YES
3 points

I have played both football and ridden motocross and i find that both are physically demanding.

Yes in football you need to be quick strong and agile, but motocross requires much more skill and endurance.

Motocross requires a ton of cardio and football requires more weight lifting to bulk up.

the reason motocross requires more athleticism is because you have to ride through ridiculously rough terrain on a 250lb machine with two wheels as hard as you can for a constant 30 minutes. the riders heart rates are around 180 the entire race, and are at an extremely high risk of death.

yes in football you have to be strong but each play lasts around 15 seconds and at most 45 seconds. yes you are smashing into other very large players, but football does not require near the amount of athleticism as motocross.

Side: YES