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 Is Homosexuality Wrong (8)

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JackLister(47) pic

Is Homosexuality Wrong

Can someone PLEASE explain to me why homosexuality is wrong without refering to religion, political views and myths

Why do YOU believe that it is wrong

Without refering to religion, political views and myths (such as larger spread of aids, devaluation of life etc...)

And don't just type "They're wrong and should die" or something like that, actually explain your answer

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3 points

Homosexuality is not wrong, it never was and never will be.

Homosexuality is a direct result of the supply of hormones to the brain of a child while developing in the womb, many different things can happen In utero, such as this but there isn't any social stigma attached.

A developing child becomes male, in the development of the brain though it gets not enough male hormones, so stays with a feminine brain to varying different degrees, from the Bi-sexual through to those that need gender reassignment.

There is religion to blame for the stigma and unjust hate shown to people that are homosexual. Many people that are themselves homosexual cover it up by over exaggerating homophobia. The rest are just hateful bigots that would probably explode if they had to do anything that they actually like.

2 points

I actually don't understand why anyone thinks it's wrong. If you love someone, who cares, right? If it's meant to be, I don't believe it should be wrong in anyone's eyes.

Homosexuality is not wrong. If it is, then heterosexuality is also wrong.

0 points

I just think that it doesn't fit naturally. A man's body fit's perfectly into a womens body, like a puzzle piece. Men with men don't work that way. They can't reproduce. I don't believe it is a choice tho. I don't know why some men are born that way, with those desires. -it seems to me like something in their brain didn't form correctly.

1 point

I have your same views. I'm not homophobic or have any problems with homosexuals, I don't think less of them or anything, actually I have homosexual friends and completely respect their choices, but I just think it's not the natural thing...what should be; but then again, many unnatural things happen all the time. In answer to the question I wouldn't say it's wrong, because who is to say what's wrong and what's right?...but simply unnatural.

TheHallow1(78) Disputed
1 point

"but I just think it's not the natural thing"

Think of it this way: If it wasn't natural, it wouldn't occur.

Side: No
zombee(1014) Disputed
1 point

Homosexuality occurs quite regularly in nature, especially in primates closely related to humans. This makes it, by definition, natural. It occurs in all human cultures over all time periods. For homosexuals, homosexuality is as perfectly natural as your sexuality is to you.

How must you, personally, define "natural" in order to exclude homosexuality?

Side: No
TheHallow1(78) Disputed
1 point

"it seems to me like something in their brain didn't form correctly."

Their brains are perfectly healthy. The only thing is that the brain of a gay male is that of a straight female.

Side: No