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 Is Islam inherently violent to the West? (3)

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Shaggy(29) pic

Is Islam inherently violent to the West?

There are generally two general viewpoints on the tension between the West and Islam(particularly Arabs). Are Muslims inherently violent to non-Muslim countries and the West? Or is Western and non-Muslim foreign policy the reason for Islamic terrorism?


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Islam has shown its barbarism throughout the centuries. Long before policies based on Oil and American Military bases on Saudi land, there was the Battle of Tripoli. The Barbary Wars which included this battle was a result of Arab piracy against American ships where Barbary pirates would attack American merchant ships in an attempt to extort money for the lives of captured American sailors, and essentially terrorizing civilians, much like their standard operating procedure with European ships. In March 1785, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went to London to negotiate with Tripoli's envoy, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman. Upon asking the Arab envoy, "concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury", the ambassador replied, "It is written in our Koran", that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every Muslim who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. Clearly Islamic terrorism was a well established tactic for centuries. We can see this in Islamic history as well. Fast forward to today, and we see not just Americans being murdered, but anywhere you look in the world, Muslims are terrorizing non-Muslims. Surely the foreign policy of the entire world cant be that bad lol.

Islam, the same with any doctrine, is only violent if its practice entails violence.

Practice depends heavily on interpretation.

Further more, Islam has various Hadiths which have various levels of acceptance among various Muslims.

Not all of them follows the exact same doctrine, and not all of them interpret it the same.

This can be see with any major religion, and many of the same arguments used to show Islam as violent can be used on other religions as well. This is because they all tend to take unrepresentative samples as if they actually do represent the inherent nature of a faith, but a specific faith has no truly significant inherent nature which is any different then faith in general when it comes to violence; and thus no sample of believers can be representative of it. They represent only their interpretation of their doctrine, their culture, economics, etc.

If Sharia Law is enforced, it would. Sharia Law calls for the execution of homosexuals.