
Debate Info

It's a religion of peace It is bloody violent
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 It's a religion of peace (2)
 It is bloody violent (1)

Debate Creator

Amritangshu(892) pic

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Challenge Debate: Is Islam truly a religion of peace as Muslims claim?

Well anyone can challenge me head to head ,I'm going for the tougher proposition,let's start this off.


It's a religion of peace

Side Score: 2

It is bloody violent

Side Score: 1

Well if a hundred of a billion population decides to do something violent for their own purpose ,wrongly placing the name of a religion as their motive of action you can't say that the religion is violent.When the 9/11 incident happened many Muslim Heads in Britain immediately threw an instant condemnation at the incident;A lot of people think Islam is all about terrorism but the real fact's that Islam's first enemies are terrorists. Just because of Charlie Hebdo or 2008 Mumbai attack,you can't say Islam is terrorism.

Side: It's a religion of peace

The reason lies with Sharia Law that calls for the execution of homosexuals. Now, this is an extremist part of the Islamic faith and not followed by all, however, this proclamation is definitely violent.

Side: It is bloody violent
Amritangshu(892) Disputed
1 point

Well just pointing to the fact that the Sharia Law calls for execution of homosexuals,it is altogether bad:

Sharia law also calls for the following:1)Islam commands gamblers and drinkers to be whipped.

2)Islam calls for an eye-to eye revenge.In Pakistan in 2003,a man was blinded by acid after a court order because he blinded his wife with acid.sometimes stringent laws are required for better functioning of a religion.

Side: It's a religion of peace