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 Is It Possible That The Illuminati Will Attack the 2012 Olympics? (9)

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Is It Possible That The Illuminati Will Attack the 2012 Olympics?

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2 points

Yeah they will like they did in 2004, 2008, and going to in 2016.

And when they do all the mayans will suddenly reborn and take over the world so they can get the technology to write 2013 on their damn calendar because sadly the technology was not there yet.

2 points

The Illuminati do not exist. Ergo, they shan't attack the 2012 Olympics.

If they did exist, why would they want to attack the Olympics?

1 point

The idea came from the Illuminati card game,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Sure, just as it's possible that Obama is actually the anitchrist, or that Manchester City will win the title, just very unlikely.

Besides, I'd like to see them get past Boris Johnson.

I love BJ... wait what?

lol Obama? .

1 point

No, lol...

What are the Illuminati? Is it those evil people in the movie Angels and Demons?

They're fictional...

Axmeister(4311) Disputed
1 point

"Is it those evil people in the movie Angels and Demons?

They're fictional..."

1) Do not quote or refer to anything from Dan Brown.

2) Research topics before immediatly stating that they don't exist.

3) Illuminati is supposedly secret organisation (connected to the freemasons I believe).

Facadeon(508) Disputed
1 point

I know what the Illuminati are now, but I'm far from convinced anyway.

It is now 2015 and no such thing happened. It is terrible that some people in the Media just love to spread fear.