
Debate Info

No, it's not Yes, it is.
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 No, it's not (2)
 Yes, it is. (3)

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DarionGruell(5) pic

Is Modern Feminism needed?

Gender equality is not needed here in the United States. I want opinions on why it does still belong here.

No, it's not

Side Score: 4

Yes, it is.

Side Score: 3
2 points

I am all for gender equality, but the sad truth is that the majority of "modern" feminism has degraded into an advocacy for discrimination backed by lies and bias. While there is still gender inequality for women, feminism completely disregards any discrimination against men, instead resorting to screaming about rape culture and male privilege rather than looking for change.

Side: No, it's not
2 points

I have always felt in the past that feminism was obviously needed but having recently read and listened to a lot of modern feminists i feel that there are a lot of lies and misinformation around.

Im of an older generation and come from a family whos mother fought for feminism and who educated us (five boys) to be respectful and aware of the rights of others.

I feel that what was bred into me as a child seems to have eroded into a fair amount of people with nothing to say who say it to loudly.

I have honestly met women who seem to wake up in the morning and go about the day looking for something to offend them.

Most of the points they make have been debunked time and time again.

Also having been a single father can say first hand how much the system is stacked against men getting custody but am pleased to report i have an open minded son and a daughter who ihas the srength to get ahead without pulling the victim card.

Side: No, it's not
1 point

Proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments:

About the 20% for the United Stated - 2014.

Source: the world bank.

This disproportion is too big. You aren't even in the first half of this:

Gender equality :)

Side: Yes, it is.
1 point

As much as I hate it, something similar needs to exist. Maybe not as militant as it is, and maybe not as "all inclusive" as it is.

Side: Yes, it is.
1 point

theres a difference between feminism and misandry. misandry is the discrimination and belittling of men, and feminism is the equality of the sexes. women still get harassed

Side: Yes, it is.