
Debate Info

Yes he is & should be stopped! No he's a capitalist.
Debate Score:24
Total Votes:24
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 Yes he is & should be stopped! (7)
 No he's a capitalist. (14)

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SlashinatorX(415) pic

Is Obama a communist?

Alot of us know that the current president Barack Obama is a communist. But some liberals argue that he's not.

1 liberal in particular is ldude893 on youtube. He says Obama is leaning left & is not far left.

Yes he is & should be stopped!

Side Score: 7

No he's a capitalist.

Side Score: 17
1 point

Yeah he's a communist he wants to tax people more and then give lazy jobless people the money! If they want money they should WORK like the rest of us.

Side: Yes he is & should be stopped!
1 point

Do you have even the vaguest hint of a clue what a communist is? Or do you just like to indiscriminately sling around words that you don't understand?

Side: No he's a capitalist.
WB40(238) Disputed
1 point

Yes i do know what a communist is ok

Do you have any clue what indiscriminately means

Side: Yes he is & should be stopped!
3 points

well, he's certainly not a capitalist. but he's not a communist.

in order to be a communist, he would first have to be against elections. he's not.

also, he would have to believe that the government runs EVERYTHING.

Even though he does enact socialist legislation, he is not completely socialist. he's more fascist when it comes to economics. he believes in the middle ground, which is private property and enterprise but strict government regulation in order to assist the working class and keep corporations small.

if anything, i would say that Obama is a Democratic Fascist (which people nowadays call a Social Democrat).

he is not FAR LEFT, but he surely isn't middle left. the only thing he's moderate on is gay marriage.

Side: No he's a capitalist.
1 point

Obama is a full red communist.

There's not an ounce of capitalism in him.

Side: Yes he is & should be stopped!
2 points

Ha, I wish! . You tell me why he is a communist, or someone else tell me, this guy is inactive.

Side: No he's a capitalist.

If you want to call the guy names, why not poop-butt or something? You could probably come closer to making an intelligent argument for it.

Side: No he's a capitalist.

It is now 2015 and this Communist talk is asinine. The President is compassionate and could never be a Communist.

Side: No he's a capitalist.