
Debate Info

Yes! It's a conspiracy! He doesn't care about $
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Yes! It's a conspiracy! (1)
 He doesn't care about $ (2)

Debate Creator

Hellno(17724) pic

Is Romney Just Out to Steal R Money?

Yes! It's a conspiracy!

Side Score: 1

He doesn't care about $

Side Score: 2

Mitt caters to the rich and that is why the majority of voters did not elect him President in 2012.

Side: Yes! It's a conspiracy!
1 point

He does care about money, but he's better than Barry!

Side: He doesn't care about $
1 point

Romney didn't take a salary when he worked as Governor.

Romney didn't take a salary when he ran the 2002 winter Olympics.

He spent millions of dollars of his own Money running for president in 2008.

He would get power, but financially speaking he would have made a lot more money just Running Bain or Bain Capital...

Side: He doesn't care about $