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 Is Schooling Conducive to Learning?( the second half of the debate ) (1)

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MaG90(4) pic

Is Schooling Conducive to Learning?( the second half of the debate )

The homework and grading system are not conducive to learning. This system does not focus on learning, but it focus on making the master happy. Students have difficulties in focusing on education because they are made active by homework. The students are always too busy filling worksheets and writing essays that focus on the information itself. This makes learning to be a chore instead of a pleasure. Students begin to hate education because they are; too busy struggling to get an A so that they can be able to focus on something else. Students who are considered good are the one who receive grades that are good and Incase they do something that is not right, they are punished. However, this is not the appropriate way of learning because when students make mistakes, they advance in their learning. Therefore, mistake contributes to the positive process of learning. Mistakes are considered unsuitable, and when a student does a mistake, he is given a low level and reminded that mistakes are unacceptable. We should encourage students to make mistakes because, students learn more when they make mistakes and realize the error than just doing everything right from the beginning (Steinberg 1998).

Grades give students have a sense of dumbness when they have made a mistake. So many gifted students are given low grades because of not doing their homework. However, teachers are extremely happy when students receive grades that are good on a test. The students that do not do their homework end up with low grades in their exams, regardless of students having learned more than the other students in the class have. This means that grades do not count the learning, but instead they consider which student did the most homework to get the teachers good grades. Grading makes many students to turn away from teaching. Additionally, we should not equate learning with good grades because they differ in many ways (Ryan 2008) the process of learning in schools is not given up the way it is expected. The system has strayed from its primary objective of teaching students what they do not know and enhancing learning, and instead turned the students away from learning.

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