
Debate Info

Yes No, Perez Hilton
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:13
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 Yes (4)
 No, Perez Hilton (5)

Debate Creator

LouBrowne(12) pic

Is TMZ the best celebrity gossip site?

White Men Can't Jump


Side Score: 5

No, Perez Hilton

Side Score: 6
2 points
TMZ is way better than Perez Hilton. The content is much more interesting and doesn't have all that gay crap that Perez puts all over the pictures. I mean, honestly, who wants to see that crap drawn all over the pictures.
Side: Yes
korihill06(124) Disputed
1 point
Sometimes the drawing are quite crass, but occasionally when I see a little inconspicuous heart on Brad Pitt's junk, I can't help but giggle.
Side: No, Perez Hilton

I like to watch TMZ because I do find out the latest gossip news on this show.

Side: Yes
0 points
Asante Samuels will make the Eagles the best Eagles team in the McNabb era
Side: Yes
NikkiHill11(154) Disputed
1 point
McNabb is done-zo. Eagles suck.
Side: No, Perez Hilton
DebateMan(471) Disputed
0 points
I think you're in the wrong debate LouBrowne, might want to check out one in the sports section.
Side: No, Perez Hilton
2 points
PerezHilton is good and other are too. Check out the topic research for this debate and make up your own mind.
Side: No, Perez Hilton
1 point
Perez Hilton is way better than TMZ. He is hilarious and I love the drawings.
Side: No, Perez Hilton
1 point

I hate perez hilton. he is a flaming homo that talks mess about everyone that disagrees with him.

Side: Yes