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Challenge Debate: Is Trump truly racist?

Can you prove that Trump is racist?


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Initially, there must be clarification in this debate. The affirmation argument will follow this specific outline throughout all 4 rounds along with disputes throughout arguments;

Opening Statement/Acceptance

First Constructive Speech

Rebuttal Speech

Closing Statement

Therefore, this first round will consist of one opening statement and acceptance speech.

The affirmation side believes that Donald Trump, current candidate for the presidency of the United States, is truly racist. Donald Trump once stated, “I’m not racist. I just know something’s fishy when a black guy like Obama does better in life than a rich white guy like me.” Trump has been a figure of racism against blacks, Muslims, and Mexicans since the beginning of his campaign and before that. His attacks have always been directed towards the negativity of immigration, when immigration and combining cultures are the foundation of the great country of the United States of America. When something is broughten up about his racist thoughts he directly gets angered and claims false statements towards Hillary Clinton and others. The affirmation side will provide 6 separate contentions for this debate. First, all must understand the racist movements of Donald Trump in his past. Second, all must understand the racist movements of Donald Trump in his current campaign. Thirdly, all must understand the nature of racism in Donald Trump’s life. Fourthly, all must understand the racist movements of Donald Trump directly toward blacks. Fifthly, all must understand the racist movements of Donald Trump directly toward Muslims. Sixthly and finally, all must understand the racist movements of Donald Trump directly toward Mexicans. The framework for this debate is whoever in this debate does a better job of providing true facts on Donald Trump’s nature both past and present, shall win.

The affirmation side accepts this debate and the resolution; Is Trump truly racist?

Side: Yes