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Debate Score:4
Total Votes:5
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 YES (1)
 NO (2)

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m.amin(18) pic

Is an evolution theory is true ?

While  many  evolutionists  believe  an  evolution  theory  to  be  true,  because  they  think  that  one-celled  life  form  came  into  existence  by  some  series  of  natural  processes  billions  of  years  ago,  a  group  of  scientists  and  even  some  religious  people  try  to  prove  that  evolution  theory  is  false,  because  such  branches  of science  as paleontology,  genetics, biochemistry,  and molecular biology  have proven  that  it  is  quite impossible  for  life  to  come  about  as  a  result  of  chance  and  to  emerge  by  itself  from  natural  conditions.


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 2
2 points

Yes but problem with the argument is that it is no longer a theory. it is FACT! The majority of scientists in the fields of biology, paleotology, anthropology etc. all agree that evolution is real and is a natural process that effects all life forms. So to me this is not much of a debate to arguue whether proven fact is real or not!

Side: yes
Troy8(2417) Disputed
1 point

So the opinion of the majority of scientists is automatically fact? I'm not too sure about that

Side: No
Republican2(348) Disputed
1 point

There are no absolute FACTS in science. Only theories that have been tested and have empirical evidence backing it. Technically, the existence of electrons is not a fact either, just a theory that has been so well proven, you'd be a crackpot scientist to argue with it. Unless of course you could provide a greater amount of empirical evidence that it is false. That being said, the only real reason evolution is the scientifically accepted story of how life came about is because the alternative (divine creation) is untestable and therefore must be rejected by science.

Side: No
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