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Heck YES Heck NO
Debate Score:19
Total Votes:27
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 Heck YES (9)
 Heck NO (4)

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Theodorej(15) pic

Is anyone to blame for the Arizona shootings?

Heck YES

Side Score: 14

Heck NO

Side Score: 5
4 points

According to the news (i know that some people think the news is lying all the time and gay shit like that) Jared Loughner is to blame.

Side: Heck YES
1 point

What Thewayitis said, just less faggish and preachy.

Side: Heck YES
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
0 points

Have you ever contributed a single thing? You knock what you inspire to be. What logic is that? Agree with my words and hate me. Take a good hard look at yourself. I think you will find it is you that you hate.

Side: Heck YES
Warlin(1213) Disputed
2 points

Oh you, Thewayitis. I'm just having a little fun. A playful, barbaric insult or two never hurt anyone.

Side: Heck YES
1 point

The Pyg is right. This is retarded.

I've been listening to liberal media diligently, and I have yet to see them blame the right, but apparently to fox and limbaugh and newscorp they've been doing it rampantly.

Ignoring that the leader of the left and the country, the president, made it clear no one is to blame, fox and the like continues to insist the left is blaming the right.

Well, I've not seen it, but if so they are incorrect. Just as that troll was incorrect blaming "fags" and yahoo "the buzz" that right wing psycho rant forum has been blaming "pot smoking hippies" -

They are all incorrect. The President is correct. Only one person is to blame.

Side: Heck YES

The lax gun laws are to blame. It is now 2015 and gun nuts are still able to get guns from lapses in the background check system.

Side: Heck YES
0 points

The American population is to blame as a whole. Nobody wants to get involved and just sits by the sideline waiting for something like this to happen. We hear the cries of those that desperately need help and do nothing. Every single person is to blame for these horrible events.

Someone cries for help and nobody answers. That person that committed suicide, this event or ones in the future all lay upon each of us to stop. It takes no grand act. The cries are loud enough to hear. All one has to do is act upon them.

Side: Heck YES
2 points

Who to blame, ONE PERSON=the shooter.

The American population is to blame as a whole.

What specifically did I do? You don't even know me, and you are blaming me.

We hear the cries of those that desperately need help and do nothing. Every single person is to blame for these horrible events.

How about this?

I will remain on the sideline, and concern of only my life and immediate family because that is enough work in itself, so I will allow you central planners to make it worse, so when you hear that cry again, don't blame me when your central planning fails again, so you run to the call with your friends and stop any future tragedies. I would love to see that.

It takes no grand act. The cries are loud enough to hear. All one has to do is act upon them.

I haven't heard one cry yet. You must have really sensitive ears.

Side: Heck YES
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
1 point

You are part of society and so you are also to blame, because society is to blame.

To remain on the sidelines is the problem. One is either part of the solution or part of the problem.

"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."

Albert Einstein

As far as those cries, you have heard them. They come from every direction. That beggar on the street, a fat person, those pictures of starving kids on the TV, even those close friends and family are among them. To ignore those troubled individuals and claim you haven't heard them takes only a selfish person.

Side: Heck YES
0 points

All government officials are to blame for there cruel way of doing business!!

Side: Heck YES
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