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Debate Score:3
Total Votes:4
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Gizza(22) pic

Is community service the best punishment for those who commit a crime


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 1

If it is a minor crime (a misdemeanor), then Community Service would be the proper alternative.

Side: Yes
1 point

No. The punishment should fit the crime: if you graffiti on the bus shelter, you should be given the job of getting the paint off the bus shelter. If you kick a cat and hurt the cat, you should work as assistant vetenary surgeon for however long deemed.

Community service is not a very befitting punishment. I can give several reasons for this:

A) How is it fair on the community if you are stuck around and beside them if you make them feel unsafe?

B) And, if indeed there is a psychological element behind this crime, should you be working around the people who make you feel unsafe/unwanted/unloved

C) If you spray paint a bus shelter and you think it is a nice picture, then how do you know what the crime was, stuck in a Community Building doing jobs (or wherever you're sent)

Overall, I think wrongdoers do not really benefit from working at community centres. It is more that the council cannot be bothered to provide recommended staffing...and, if they have, well, there's nothing for the offenders to do, is there?

Side: No