
Debate Info

Yes, it can be controlled. No, not even close.
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:13
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 Yes, it can be controlled. (6)
 No, not even close. (2)

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wrestlerii(57) pic

Is depression manageable through simple will-power?

A simple question. Is depression, controllable through sheer will-power? Or are drugs required?

Background to the question -

I know people that claim to suffer from depression that simply seem happy all the time unless in private when they can 'let it show'

I know people that claim that there isn't enough will-power in the entire world to correct a chemical imbalance in someones head.

So, again, whats your opinion? Can there be a somewhat of a placebo effect that can allow someone to control their depression? Or is it impossible?

Yes, it can be controlled.

Side Score: 10

No, not even close.

Side Score: 2
3 points

I suspect that in most cases the answer would be yes, but there are always exceptions.

Side: Yes, it can be controlled.
2 points

It depends on the person, type of depression etc.

I'm sure there are depressed people who can manage well without drugs.

For example, moving the body often moves the mind; perhaps they go dancing or paint or some such activity which may help them manage their symptoms in a way that they don't become much of an obstacle to them living their life.

Side: Yes, it can be controlled.
2 points

Those that are depressed are only that way because they let it get the better them.

Side: Yes, it can be controlled.
1 point

For many people it's different and we don't know what is really going on in their head. Many just need to discuss out loud to someone what they are thinking and try to be more positive but their are cases where medication is the way to be.

I have had strong depression before and can be completely happy in front of people, go to work and do all I have to do with no problem but when at home I would sit and cry for hours. But have managed to overcome that because I was able to find someone to talk to and whenever there was no one around to talk to I would write out everything in a journal. It really helped

Side: Yes, it can be controlled.
1 point

One thing I am certain of is that without will power it can not be get rid of. Anyone with depression voluntarily or involuntarily loses control over the thought process.

There are therapies for depression can help a person beat depression. Cognitive and behavioral therapies work well.

Supporting Evidence: Depression treatment through therapies (
Side: Yes, it can be controlled.

Yes, I do believe that someone can snap himself out of depression with strong will power.

Side: Yes, it can be controlled.
1 point

manageable? yes. curable? not if webmd is 2 be trusted.

depression is a symptom of a greater problem, and the only way 2 cure depression is 2 resolve the source of the problem

Side: No, not even close.
1 point

No, it is a medical illness that is the cause of chemicals in the brain something you cannot change through simple willpower.

Side: No, not even close.