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 Is diversity of race a good thing? (4)

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hhioh(450) pic

Is diversity of race a good thing?

Is it good to have multiple races? Or would it be more beneficial for mankind to all be one race?


**Downgrading certain races / being racist will not be tolerated**

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Absolutely. Different cultures converging, mingling and interacting with one another is the best thing for this world. It makes us all better people, I think.

Side: Absolutely
1 point

Well if we were all from the same country, looked the same, liked the same stuff, and did the same things, life would be boring. Different cultures bring different ideas, and diversity gives us so many options in life. A history of one nation would be a very boring history.

Side: Absolutely
1 point


Not your fault, it's just our vernacular. But people really should stop referring to it as race. The last homo sapien "race" besides us were Neanderthal and they died tens of thousands of years ago.

Humans are one race with different ethnicities within. All of our DNA is traced to the same place, we all share something like 98.9% of our genetic code; from Shaquile O'Neil to an Asian midget.

But yes, genetic diversity allows more beneficial traits a better chance of dominance while avoiding genetic repletion which leads to evolutionary dead ends long term and short term retardation and physical defects in immediate offspring for the too-closely genetically similar couple.

Plus all the stuff other people said about it being boring if everyone were the same.

Side: Absolutely

If the world was one race, there would not be divisions in the world.

Side: Absolutely