
Debate Info

Every person Only leaders
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Every person (3)
 Only leaders (1)

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aigerim92(18) pic

Is every person responsible for the Earth’s future?

Every person

Side Score: 3

Only leaders

Side Score: 1
1 point

On the one hand, if a person thinks that nothing in the Earth's future depends on him, he won't worry about it and just let things take their course without any efforts to influence the improvement of the situation in the world. But if every person realizes that he or she is responsible not only for themselves, but also for the future of whole world, they will try to do their best in order to improve situation. I think people should feel responsibility for the Earth and not be indifferent to its future.

Side: Every person
1 point

Everybody should remember that some global things can depend on his actions.

Side: Every person
1 point

We are all one people and each is responsible for maintaining Earth's delicate and fragile balance. We must take care of her. Only all together we can make the difference. If each of us will understand it, than the Earth will be a safe place for our future generations.

Side: Every person

I will say the leaders of the countries are responsible for the Earth's future.

Side: Only leaders