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 Is it wrong to look at Women's bodies(up and down) When they wear Sexy Clothes? (3)

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dobelSoboel3(187) pic

Is it wrong to look at Women's bodies(up and down) When they wear Sexy Clothes?

I'm in my early 30s male and i love women(even though i never even had a gf).


Well many women including from highschool age and up, wear hot sexy clothes, tight skirts, stockings, etc. I always see them especially since there are schools here in my city and we have international english schools too so we also get alot of hot girls coming from other countries where they have different and more sexy color fashion too. So whether highschool american girls, or Asian and European and Russian etc girls studying in English schools, or American girls from college , everytime i go to downtown or bus stations, there's so many and I look at their beatiful bodies.

I've heard how women don't like men looking at them that way but ........uhhh that doesn't make sense. Men like Beautiful women so if women don't want to be looked at why they dress so beautiful . I guess they want to tease us? And make  us just feel bad?




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2 points

You sound creepy.

I look girls up and down all the time. But I'm not creepy.

Have you tried not being creepy?

Of course you can look at's only natural. I'd say, however, that if you haven't yet had a girlfriend at 30, maybe you should re-examine your lifestyle?

1 point

It's fine to look as long as you don't touch. Or stare like a creep. But you can check her out, and if the girl notices, she'll probably be flattered.