
Debate Info

Online shopping is useful Online shopping is not useful
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Online shopping is useful (5)

Debate Creator

aliyaash(12) pic

Is online shopping good or bad?

Nowadays more and more companies, firms and shops make Internet sites for selling their goods and services. People like it and use this kind of activity. However, some people ignore it and do it traditionally.

What do you prefer and why? ))) 

Online shopping is useful

Side Score: 6

Online shopping is not useful

Side Score: 0
1 point

very good- i buy a lot of things online that are just as cheap as I can get tjhem in the store-often with free shipping and handling free delivery -I do not have to waste time waiting in line nor do I have to put gas in the car to go to the store

Side: Online shopping is useful
2 points

I like online shopping so much, because I have more choice and not similar as in my local shops, I save my time shopping at home, I can do it at every time I want as well as at night.

Side: Online shopping is useful
1 point

Well I know I have been commenting on it after ages but I just stumbled upon this question and thought will comment on it!! I feel online shopping is very useful as it reduces your workload and the need to roam in search of the product.. So I prefer online shopping sites lik flipkart, etc.

Side: Online shopping is useful

Some stuff you cannot get where you live, simple as that.

Side: Online shopping is useful

I like it because of the convenience and the competition can let you find lower prices on some items.

Side: Online shopping is useful
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